Thursday 16 July 2015

GLUTAX 15G Nano Revitalise-SD Skin Whitening Injection 20950mg

 Description  :  
Glutax 15g Nano Revitalise SD is very effective against signs of aging and great for anyone with a dull complexion, uneven skin tone, wrinkles and sensitive skin. It will help brighten your skin to a radiant glow and leave it smoother and firmer. Glutax 15g is not only good for your skin, it also helps Detox your liver, blood and other major organs as well as help boost your immune system, hormone balance and a myriad of supporting functions.

 Product Highlights :  
It contains Nano Glutathione 15000mg, L’acido Ascobico 2500mg, Collagen Extract 500mg, Acido Alfa Lipoico 500mg, Marine Plant Stem Cell 500mg, Kojic Acid 500mg, Nano Licorice Extract 350mg, Vitamin E 400mg, Pro-Vitamin B3 350mg, Pro-Vitamin B5 350mg, Which gives better results Than others. 

Cell No : 9885401166/9985701166

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