Friday 17 July 2015

GSH LUMINEUX 600 Reduced Glutathione & Vitamin C Injection 1600mg

 Description  : 
LUMINEUX 600 Glutathione with Vitamin C and Oral Booster Advance Glutathione Formula from France Laboratoires Biopharmacie S.A. Paris, France Glutathione, Vitamin C and Oral Glutathione Booster in 1 box.
GOOD FOR 1 MONTH Recommended for BEGINNERS. Better than Germed, Tationil 600mg, Saluta from China and Tad.

 Product Highlights  : 
It contains 8 Vials Glutathione 600mg, 8 Amps Vitamin C 1000mg, 30 Caps Glutathione Booster (N-acetyl L-cysteine 200mg, Alpha Lipoic Acid 150mg, L-Methionine 100mg Vit E 100Ui, Vit B2 5mg, and Selenomethionine 200mcg), Which contzins better result than others
 How to use  :
Acne-free, whiter and glowing is now possible with Lumineux 600 from France. It combines glutathione and vitamin C with an oral booster to maintain high levels of glutathione in the body even between treatments.

Cell No : 9885401166/9985701166

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